
  • Academic


    • Â鶹Íø students will demonstrate a 5% increase in proficiency in ELA and a 5% decrease in the number of students minimally proficient by the Spring 24 AASA.
      • Summative
        • ELA 22-23 31% Proficiency to 36% Proficiency
        • ELA 22-23 51% minimally proficient to 46% minimally proficient
        • ELA 22-23 54% minimally proficient to 49% minimally proficient
      • Formative
        • Middle of the year STAR ELA data will indicate a 3% increase in number of students performing at the predictive proficiency indicator and 3% less student will be performing minimally proficient.
    • Spring of 2024 end of year STAR reading data will demonstrate 50% of students with an SGP above 55 in Reading.
      • Middle of the year STAR ELA data will indicate a 40% of students with a SGP above 55%
    • Â鶹Íø 3rd grade students will demonstrate a 10% decrease of students performing minimally proficient on AASA ELA from 60% minimally proficient to 50%.
      • Middle of the year STAR ELA data will indicate a 5% decrease in number of 3rd grade students performing minimally proficient in the predictive proficiency indicator
    • By May, 2024, Support Schools (11) will increase in proficiency by 5% and 55% in SGP in comparing 2023 ASSA to 2024 AASA in ELA, with progress monitoring through STAR and Benchmark assessments
      • Support School Average Scores
        • ELA 22-23 25% Proficiency to 30% Proficiency
    • Â鶹Íø support schools will report quarterly on their progress towards specific goals with quantitative (Benchmark assessments) and qualitative (PLC exit tickets, Walk-through data, feedback from District and Admin coaches) with specific goals for each school.


    • Â鶹Íø students will demonstrate a 5% increase in proficiency in Math and a 5% decrease in the number of students minimally proficient by the Spring 24 AASA.
      • Summative
        • Math 22-23 24% Proficiency to 29% Proficiency
      • Formative
        • iReady middle of the year Diagnostic data will indicate 25% of students projected to be proficient on state assessments
    • Spring of 2024 end of year math data will demonstrate 50% of students with an SGP above 55 in Math.
      • iReady middle of the year Diagnostic data will indicate 40% of students a SGP above 55%
    • By May, 2024, Support Schools (11) will increase in proficiency by 5% and 55% in SGP in comparing 2023 ASSA to 2024 AASA in Math, with progress monitoring through Benchmark and I-Ready assessments
      • Support School Average Scores
        • Math 22-23 17% Proficiency to 21% Proficiency
    • Â鶹Íø support schools will report quarterly on their progress towards specific goals with quantitative (Benchmark, I-Ready assessments) and qualitative (PLC exit tickets, Walk-through data, feedback from District and Admin coaches) with specific goals for each school.

    Targeted Support and Improvement

    • By December of 2024, the following schools will be out of a TSI status (currently double digit a TSI points for subgroups):
        • CL, CH, DV, IR, MZ, MS, MV, PV, OR, REM, RP, RR, SB, SS, SU
      • By December of 2024, the following schools will increase their a TSI scores by 3 points for each identified subgroup
        • AV SWD Subgroup 22-23 14.68 to 23-24 17.68
        • CW SWD Subgroup 22-23 17.16 to 23-24 20.16
        • CW African American Subgroup 22-23 18.76 to 23-24 21.76
        • CW ELFEP14 Subgroup 22-23 16.53 to 23-24 19.53
        • MV

    Climate and Culture

    • Â鶹Íø students will demonstrate increased engagement and feeling the work they are doing in their classes is important as demonstrated by an increase of 10% favorable responses on the Spring Panorama survey in the area of “Valuing School.”
      • Spring 23 Student Survey 69% to Spring 24 Student Survey 79%
    • By May, 2024, district average attendance will increase by 2% from 91.95 to 93.95 by focused action steps at each school with monthly progress indicators calculated by Attendance Committee to indicate success and areas to intervene and improve.
    • By May, 2024, district chronic absentee rate will decrease by 8% from 37.8 to 29.80 with focused action plans at each site and monthly progress indicators calculated by Attendance Committee to indicate success and need to intervene for improvement.
    • By May, 2024, discipline infraction for May, 2024, DDN (Disrespect, defiance and non-compliance) will decrease by 3% district wide with individual school focus on Tiered approach for behavioral support of students, including monthly school reports for progress indicators.

                        **22-23 incidents: 1,827 to 1,772 incidents in 23-24

    • By May, 2024, suspensions (in-school and out of school) will decrease by 10% with focus on alternative consequences and Tiered approach to behavior challenges, with progress monthly indicators indicating success of specific schools.

                          ** 22-23 5,758 suspensions to 5,182 incidents in 23-24

    • By May, 2024, Support Schools (11) will increase in parent satisfaction from 2022 to 2023 by 5% in parent engagement and safety/behavior with planned parent/student engagement activities to meet all family needs.
      • Parent Engagement 22-23 Support School Average 91.5 to 23-24 96.5
      • Safety/behavior 22-23 Support School Average 79 to 23-24 84

    Student Enrollment Retention from 6th to 7th Grade

    • By August 2024, the retention rate of 6th graders to middle schools will increase by at least 3% as measured by registration data.
      • Cholla: 23-24: 75.97% retain to 78.97% retain
      • Desert Foothills:23-24 83.95% retain to 86.95% retain
      • Mountain Sky: 23-24 82.67% retain to 85.67% retain
      • Palo Verde: 23-24 :75.28% to 78.28% retain
      • Royal Palm: 23-24: 71.11% retain to 74.11% retain

    Accountability Process Goals

    • Â鶹Íø Support Schools will ensure that 93% of students will complete assessments according to the established testing windows for Benchmark, iReady, Study Sync and STAR.
    • Â鶹Íø Support Schools’ walkthrough data will indicate that all teachers are instructing within a week of the established pacing guidelines for math and ELA curriculum.
    • Â鶹Íø Support Schools will reduce the number of students in need of Tier II and Tier III intervention by 10% as of May 2024 as measured by mid-year to end of year STAR math and ELA data.